
9/29発売のYo-Yo MaさんのNewAlbum『Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone』(『ヨーヨー・マ プレイズ・モリコーネ』)を紹介していた。

      ■■■ 収録曲 ■■■
1. Gabriel's Oboe
2. The Falls
3. Playing Love from The Legend of 1900
4. Nostalgia from Cinema Paradiso
5. Looking for You (Love Theme) from Cinema Paradiso
6. Malena :Main Theme
7. A Pure Formality:Main Theme
8. Deborah's Theme from Once Upon a Time In America
9. Cockeye's Song from Once Upon a Time in America
10. Main Theme from Once Upon a Time in America
11. Main Theme from Once Upon a Time in the West
12. Ecstacy of Gold from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
13. Main Theme from Casualities of War
14. Death Theme from The Untouchables
15. Journey from Moses
16. Main Theme from Moses
17. Main Theme from Marco Polo
18. Dinner 
19. Nocturne
20. Playing Love from The Legend of 1900 (A piece for cello and piano) 
21. Gabriel's Oboe from The Mission (A piece for cello and piano) 

SOUL OF TANGO/ヨーヨー・マ・プレイズ・ピアソラ タンゴ・レッスン [DVD]
海の上のピアニスト [DVD]
『The Legend of 1900』(海の上のピアニスト)ヨーヨー・マさんVersion.楽しみだなァ〜